Here’s the thing, the world has changed.

That’s irretrievable--even as things get better, the paradigm has shifted. Period.

The world will never be like it was in December of 2019.  The world as we understand it from that time, no longer exists. We won’t be “going back to the way it was before.”

So if that’s what we can agree on,
what’s the ONE skill you think you need right now?

Let’s face it, when this all began, there were a lot of people running around like “Chicken Little” yelling the sky is falling. There was livestream after livestream, email after email and Instagram post after Instagram post led by “experts” full of bad, ungrounded and rushed advice.

Then the long-overdue and necessary racial upheaval over George Floyd’s murder began and we saw many leaders who were performing capacity get called OUT. We got to see who had been working on their capacity and who hadn’t based on how they responded. We got to see all over again who hid their head in the sand hoping that avoidance would still be a tactic that worked. Who decided to perform allyship, adopted the word “anti-racist” and did not much more than post a black square on their social media feeds.

This is a time of great unveiling. The masks fell to the ground. The veils have been lifted. And what was seen can never be unseen. Are you happy with what was left underneath the mask? Whether it was your own mask or someone else’s?

Many of those “experts” have gone conveniently quiet now we’ve had a chance to see what would actually happen when our capacity got put to the test.

And now you might have been at home with your kids home 24/7 for months on end, you’re working on your business or career full time AND trying to not murder your partner or family members who are getting on your nerves. You might feel a bit depressed because it’s finally hitting you this is not going to end anytime soon.

Or you were suddenly deluged with a TON of clients who were and are freaking out and need your help--and you’re stretched to your limit like never before. These times require greater capacity from you.

All this means it’s PRIME time to make bad decisions that will harm your business and your legacy, rather than allow you and your work to thrive, grow and be a capacity-driven leader through uncertain times.

Which probably makes you think you need either one, or more, of the following:



Yesterday’s strategies simply won’t work in this new reality. The way we do business has fundamentally changed. You need new strategies. Except, most of the “strategists” haven’t yet pivoted their own businesses, which means they’re selling you old strategies to solve new, never before seen problems.

No strategy is gonna work right now if you don’t have the capacity to handle all the quick shifts you need to make NOW to get ahead of this. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or paralyzed by everything you’re juggling right now, you need capacity. Not strategy.

Only when you have capacity can you IMPLEMENT new, aligned strategies. Only when you have capacity can you hold, handle and receive all the benefits those strategies will bring you.


If you’re thinking you need to scale down or slow down, news flash: you can’t negotiate with COVID-19. It’s not like somehow you’ll “avoid” the coronavirus impacting your business because you put a project on pause due to your fear of launching.

Scaling down can cripple your business if you’re actually supposed to be ramping it up right now. And thinking, “How can I still grow my business while scaling down until this goes away,” is like trying to get somewhere with your foot on the gas AND the brake.


Let’s keep it real: some of you reading don’t want to deal with this and want it to all go away.

Maybe you want to put your head down and hope this is all gone in six months. Even if this goes away in six months, the world will still have changed as you know it.

You can either spend the next 6 months adapting, growing and thriving in this new reality, or stay frozen in time. This means you’ll have a rude awakening when you finally are ready to come back to reality and a whole new world will be forming and growing, and it’s only then you’ll realize you’ve fallen way behind. Which will then mean you’ll have to spend at least the next 6 months trying to play catch up.


You might already be knee deep in new work you’ve created for yourself to “get through this.” Maybe you doubled down on your marketing and Facebook Ads. And you or your team now have twice the work on your plates.

Have you actually taken a moment to connect with what’s most aligned for you before you went into full on hustle mode? What good is burning you and your team out because you’re “panic-hustling” and throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks?

You can’t “outwork” COVID-19.

If NONE of the above approaches will get you through
this right now, then what’s the ONE approach that will?

You need to unlock
your personal Capacity Code™.

Capacity diagram

Everyone’s capacity code is different. You have your own unique capacity code to work on that’ll unlock your power to navigate this new, uncharted world cool, calm, collected and like a REAL boss (and keep thriving regardless of what “the markets” are doing.)

For you, the key might be to work first on your Money Capacity and you need to face the fact that it’s time to raise your prices. Or maybe you’ve got Visibility Capacity issues and need to get over the fear of “messing up” in public during this time.

Maybe you’ve got Structural Capacity issues you need to address FIRST and you don’t need to hire that new team member as much as you think you do.

Maybe it’s your Emotional Capacity that needs attention so you can get a hold of yourself and make decisions from a calm, centered place within.

Or maybe your first point of order is re-establishing your Boundaries Capacity with clients who think this pandemic is a free-for-all on your time.

Your personal Capacity Code™ is different from everyone else’s and as
unique to you as your fingerprint.

Which is why one-size-fits-all approaches aren’t going to work.

If you say you’re going to impact millions of
people and you want more growth, wealth and success,
you better be ready to HANDLE it.

Especially now.

You better be ready to handle navigating crises like these when everyone else is screaming the sky is falling. You better be ready to SHOW UP and emerge as a TRUE LEADER in times of crisis.

The reality is, if you’re a leader right now, the wolf has not only been at your doorstep, it’s inside your house, prowling.

You’re either gonna run, hide or hope it goes away on its own...

Or you’re going to meet the wolf face to face and be the leader you know you can be.

In order to do that, you must
level up your Capacity like never before.
No strategy is gonna help with this.

That’s why I’ve decided to offer a much-needed ONE TIME ONLY workshop…

CAPACITY IN CRISIS: Unlock Your Personal Capacity Code to Make It Past Phase 2 of the Pandemic.

CIC banner update

In this 90-minute workshop we will cover the FOUR crucial Capacity Pillars you need NOW to build your capacity to lead during these times.

WHEN: Friday, August 21st at 11am Pacific
WHERE: This is a virtual workshop, so you can attend from the comfort of your own home.


*** If you can't make it live, YES, you WILL get a recording of the workshop ***


Working with Lisa helped me pivot out of an old, exhausting business model into one that I love. I doubled my prices... twice. Now I work less and make more money, and this is not a gimmick - it’s the Goddess’ honest truth! I’m clear about the value of my work, and am publishing a new book with my husband, positioning us to work at higher levels with corporate clients as well as my individual coaching.

Alex Jamieson

Author, Coach, Co-creator of Super Size Me


Instead of panic, low-grade fear and worry underlying your decisions…
Instead of making hasty decisions or being misled by people who have no business guiding you through crisis because they have no capacity themselves…


knowing EXACTLY what decisions are best for your business right now... Feeling confident in those decisions and showing up like a pillar of calm for your community…

Imagine not giving a hoot what the markets are doing and knowing exactly what you need to do to keep the money flowing (because it’s a flat out lie that people aren’t buying things right now).

Imagine others stepping up and taking notice of how you’re innovating and leading right now among a sea of chicken littles…

That’s what’s possible when you
unlock your Capacity Code™.


I had been invited to speak at the World Domination Summit in front of 3,000 people. Fifteen minutes into my time with Lisa, I received profound, soul-deep clarity on my personal message after struggling to nail it on my own for a year. And because of the energetic shifts I made in my work with Lisa, when the time came to give my talk at WDS I received a standing ovation. After that the ripple effects of having so much confidence in speaking and sharing my story and feeling really confident in my own personal brand continued. I was invited to speak in Fiji at another famous entrepreneurial event (and had the chance to bring my whole family along for a vacation after)... And gained clarity on the most potent structures and offerings for my new business (and as a result, sold out high end masterminds, leadership labs and private client offerings).

jadah sellner

Co-founder of Simple Green Smoothies, Business Strategist, TEDx Speaker, Best-Selling Author


Working with Lisa is a game-changer for your business and your life. I’ve been working in the self-improvement/personal development world for some time, yet I’d begun to feel stalled out and stuck. Working with Lisa opened up areas of my business and personal thought processes that have allowed me to dramatically increase my earnings in a very short time as well as renew flagging self-confidence. Lisa challenges you in a loving manner while exposing outworn and outdated modes of thinking that aren’t serving you anymore. This sounds simple and Lisa makes it easy to expand your capacity. That’s what makes the changes you’ll make not only possible but inevitable.


Therapist & Founder of The Guardian’s Gift

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